7th Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos



7th Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos

7 – 9 September 2018

Outdoor amphitheater of the Holy Cave of the Apocalypse


Organization: Cultural Center of the Municipality of Patmos

Co-organization: Municipality of Patmos, South Aegean Region

Supported by the Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian of Patmos

Free entrance


The Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos after 7 years of consistent presence in the cultural activities of the island and the country in general, has become one of the most important institutions for the promotion and dissemination of the Greek cultural heritage.

Patmos, one of the Unesco World Heritage Sites, with its rich cultural presence, will host some of the most beautiful examples of the Greek musical-dancing tradition, while for the first time it welcomes the musical-dancing tradition of a country abroad, Latvia.

The 7th Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos will be held from Friday 7th September to Sunday 9th September 2018, at the outdoor amphitheater of the Holy Cave of the Apocalypse, with Free Entrance.

Artistic directors are Maria Michelli and Theologos Michellis.

Patmos will be the meeting point for 180 dancers from different regions of Greece and abroad (Latvia).

In the three-day musical-dancing event, which is attended by hundreds of Greek and foreign visitors every year, 10 dancing groups will be hosted, presenting their special musical-dancing tradition, their traditional costumes, and their customs, accompanied by professional musicians of Greek traditional music.

From Macedonia to Crete and from Thessaly to the coast of Asia Minor, Greece will show its cultural heritage, being accompanied to this journey by the country of Latvia and its particular musical-dancing tradition.

Alongside the three-day festival, a seminar titled «The musical-dancing tradition of Patmos» will take place, addressed to the members of the dancing groups that will be hosted on the island, including a presentation on the local cultural identity and the teaching of the local dancing repertoire by Maria Michelli and the contribution of Theologos Michellis for the special characteristics of the music tradition of Patmos.

The main goals of the festival are the promotion of cultural diversity, cultural exchanges and artistic partnerships and the promotion and diffusion of Greek and Latvian music and dance tradition. In combination with offering a quality event to the public, the Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos is one of the island’s top cultural events.


Dance groups will take part in the Festival:

  1. Women’s Association of Symi  (Dance teacher: Sevasti Nikolis)
  1. Folk Dance Group  «Lubana»   (Dance teacher: Laila Ozoliņa)
  1. Center for the Study of Traditional Dances  «Cyclos»   (Dance teacher: Kyriakos Moisidis)
  1. Folk Dance Group of Patras  (Dance teacher: Diogenis Economou)
  1. Gastouni Cultural Association  «Gaitanaki»  (Dance teacher: Dora Stathakopoulou)
  1. Association of Patmians of Rhodes  «Osios Christodoulos»  (Dance teacher: Anna Philippou)
  1. Association of Culture and Tradition of Kymina  (Dance teacher: Andreas Papoukidis)
  1. Dance Group of the Municipality of Nea Filadelfeia – Nea Chalkidona  (Dance teacher: Konstantinos Theoharis)
  1. Dance Folkloric Club of Ilioupolis (Dance teacher: Nikos Triantafyllou)
  1. Dance Folkloric Club of Karditsa  «Kallihoros»  (Dance teacher: Epaminondas Stylopoulos)


Presentation: Aristides Miaoulis


7th Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos

Patmos, Friday September 7 – Sunday September 9, 2018

Outdoor amphitheater of the Holy Cave of the Apocalypse


Artistic directors: Maria Michelli & Theologos Michellis

Organization: Cultural Center of the Municipality of Patmos

Co-organization: Municipality of Patmos, South Aegean Region

Supported by the Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian of Patmos


Event start time: 19:30

Admission to the public is free


01 Women’s Association of Symi

02 Folk Dance Group «Lubana»

03 Center for the Study of Traditional Dances «Cyclos» 

04 Folk Dance Group of Patras

05 Gastouni Cultural Association «Gaitanaki»

06 Association of Patmians of Rhodes «Osios Christodoulos»

07 Association of Culture and Tradition of Kymina 

08  Dance Group of the Municipality of Nea Filadelfeia – Nea Chalkidona

09 Dance Folkloric Club of Ilioupolis 

10 Dance Folkloric Club of Karditsa «Kallihoros

Information: www.patmos.gr & Facebook: Φεστιβάλ Παραδοσιακού Χορού και Μουσικής Πάτμου

For more information on itineraries to and from Patmos and accommodation, please contact the Tourist Office of Patmos Municipality: tel. 22470-31666, while for information on the 7th Festival of Traditional Dance and Music of Patmos contact the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Patmos: [email protected]





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Ηλεκτροδότηση γηπέδου «ΜΑΝΩΛΗΣ ΣΤΡΑΤΑΣ»

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